Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH | Mühlwiese 3 | Wirges| 56422 | Deutschland| Tel: +49 2602 9196811
Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH

Company details

The company Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH has its headquarters in Wirges, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It was founded in 2016 and the experienced employees develop new systems for detecting hot axle boxes and hot wheels. Since years we mantain an intensive collaboration with ITSS S.L. Ibérica Tecnología en Sistemas de Seguridad Ferroviarios S.L. in Valenica, Spain.
Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH | Mühlwiese 3 | Wirges| 56422 | Deutschland| Tel: +49 2602 9196811
Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH

Company details

The company Ben-Innova Systemtechnik GmbH has its headquarters in Wirges, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It was founded in 2016 and the experienced employees develop new systems for detecting hot axle boxes and hot wheels. Since years we mantain an intensive collaboration with ITSS S.L. Ibérica Tecnología en Sistemas de Seguridad Ferroviarios S.L. in Valenica, Spain.